
Posted by FacelessGraceless

I narrowly avoided another Graceless moment this morning.

Tater takes a blanket with him to daycare, to use during naptime. The school sends his blanket home every Friday to be washed. Being the superior housekeeper that I am, I usually have it washed and in the dryer by 11pm Sunday night. This morning we were running late, so I grabbed the blanket out of the dryer on our way out the door, and threw it into the car. When we got to the school, I grabbed the blanket out of the car, and started to carry it in. Then I realized that I had forgotten his field trip permission slips, so I went back to the car for them, and as I leaned into the car for the forms, a pair of my husband's underwear fell out of the blanket, and onto the car floor.

I can only imagine the conversations that they would have had at daycare today if Tater had curled up at naptime snuggling a pair of his daddy's boxer-briefs.

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